Friday, March 22, 2013

The green light at the end of the snowy tunnel

Starting as many tomatoes as we do can create some logistical conundrums concerning space for all 500+ seedlings. Thankfully, I'm also a fish geek. I plant 5 seeds of a varietal to a 4 inch pot, and transplant once to deepen any leggy starts, then allow them to bush up under indoor fluorescent wall units until they start suckering. At that point, I can snip all the suckers as they get large enough, tie loose bundles of like varieties and label them with waterproof plastic labels, and toss them into the fish tank to root under the plant lights. Once they have developed sufficient root systems, they can be transplanted into either pots for the greenhouse, or directly into the garden if provided with a shade screen and adequate water to help them get established. I love doing the clones like this, because it saves me a million transplantings per season, and saves me ABSURD amounts of space, allowing me a lot more time to do other things as well. I love nature. :)

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